Multi-channel background music playback system.
Melodex is designed to meet the particular needs for background music which are not well-served by more general-purpose solutions. It is currently playing 24 hours at a large casino property and a high-profile museum. The Melodex services support playback of up to 32 independent music feeds from a single Windows 10 PC. Key features include:
After initial output configuration, all music and playlist administration can be performed from anywhere with access to the file system, e.g:
Music and playlists dropped in the incoming folder are immediately imported without interruption to the outputs. Incoming music is scanned to establish the audio level, which is used on playback to ensure a perfectly consistent output level without the need for audio compression. Changes take effect as the current tracks end. An advanced shuffle algorithm ensures tracks cannot be repeated prematurely even as playlists change.
MP3, AAC and FLAC audio formats and M3U playlists are supported. In most cases audio and playlists can simply be exported from consumer software such as iTunes.
This system is designed to make it easy to run parallel redundant systems. Audio, playlist and configuration can easily be synchronized according to specific customer requirements and preferences.
Unlike off-the-peg solutions, new features are always an option, no matter how specialized, e.g: